Monday, 1 June 2015

Dunces Anonymous

            Is it bad I like completely misspelled the title of this blog while writing it?
Hey there guys it is time once again for another Book Club! Why did I say guys? There's like a solid 3 people who read this and i'm one of them. Anyways I have to complete 7 projects so ya.
I have already completed one which was a sticky note thing, so now I wonder off into the unknown and attempt to complete this project.

Advertising Campaign For Dunces Anonymous

                     Link to blog review for Dunces Anonymous

The Create Response

I decided that a really cool idea would to be to make a logo for their club

The characters club isn't very well known, so if they had a logo it could bring more attention to their club.


1. Why did the author write this book?

2. How long did it take to write this 

3. What was your inspiration for the characters?

4. Was this story based off of anything?

5. Who's your favourite character?

6. Are there any planned Sequels for this book?

7. Did anybone try and talk you out of writing the book?

8. What is your favourite book from another Author?

9. Did your parents force you to partake in an activity that you didn't want to do?
If yes what activity was it and why did you dislike it?

10. How did you decide on the name Dunces Anonymous for your book title?

11. Do you have any social media?

12. Have you gone to any book conventions recently?

13. Have you ever made a book series with multiple books?

14. Where are you from?

15. What is your best piece of writing?

16. Do you think that over time these characters will/would have a falling out?

17. Why was it that all the characters had a lot of Integrity?
18. Do you think the characters will accept anyone else into their club (besides Wilmot Binkle) 

19. Did your book get rejected by publishers?

20. Is it fun to write books? What's your favourite part about writing them?


           This story is full of challenges and integrity. How the characters seeked out to help a child get out of doing something he didn't want to do, even after that character was a threat to their group. My favourite part of the book is when Wang triggers the school fire alarm and Josh takes the blame. This story was so good! It is the true definition of friendship and is just an amazing example for younger children. The name for the book was actually really interesting, it's the only reason I chose the book. It's such a stupid name but it grabs the readers attention and pulls you into its story. I felt like I was apart of the team and I actually cared for the characters and their problems. I honestly really enjoyed this book, at first I was being forced to read it but, after I got into the story I was trapped in it. I was constantly reading it I finished the book in 2 days (around 2 and a half hours) it had a really good message and delivered that message in a fun, exciting and page turning tale. 

Create Your Own Idea

Bonus Ending

                   So it ended on a cliff hanger with a new member joining and the group is going off to fix his problem. So I decided that i'm going to make the first part of his problem and show them in the planning process.

So they ask Wil if he really does want to play Electric Guitar instead of playing Chess. He would confirm that he no longer wants to play Chess and they would set a time for them to meet and discuss a plan. They would meet the next day and they would have asked Wil to find out the next time he plays chess at a tournament. Wil would tell them that the next one is in 2 weeks and the gang would start scheming. Wang would suggest that Wil just tells his father that he doesn't want to play chess anymore but, Wil would say no. Magnolia would suggest that he just flunk at all the games. Wil wasn't so sure about it though, he looked to Josh. Josh said why don't we get Wil to learn to play electric guitar and play for his dad. Josh remembered seeing an Electric Guitar club where you learn how to play. Wil likes the idea and they go to the club to join.

Connections Chart

Magnolia is in a play
I am also in a play

Josh ran for president
I ran for president in PAC


Josh and Wang play chess
I have played chess as well

They are in a club
I am also in a club

Wang works
I also work


They play videogames
I also play videogames

They do things that they don't want to do but there parents force them to.
I do activities that I don't want to do.

Magnolia was yelled at by a drama teacher
I was yelled at by a drama teacher.

Bump It Up

Make a social media page
Make a group chat
Audio Books
Todays Meet audio chat
Book Clubs
Read with a partner
Make a book trailer

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Reflecting On Change

Hey there people of the internet it's your old friend Anthony here, and today I have something special for you. I am reflecting on change today and my favorite character of all time has changed a lot in the past and his name is SPIDER-MAN.

Here are some of the models for Spider-Man from oldest to newest.

Spider-Man Cartoon
Air Date: September 9th 1967- June 14th 1970
Had 3 seasons and 52 episodes

Spider-Man Live Action Film Trilogy 2002-2007
Had 3 movies and 5 main villains

  • Green Goblin (2002)
  • Doc Ock (2004)
  • Venom (2007)
  • The New Goblin (2007)
  • The Sandman (2007)

The Amazing Spider-Man Live Action Films
Had 2 movies and 3 main villain and 1 supporting character villain.

  • Lizard (2012)
  • Electro (2014)
  • Green Goblin (2014)
  • The Rhino (Supporting Character) (2014)


1967 cartoon Spider-Man


  • Simple
  • Easy to make and produce
  • Colorful
  • Classic
  • Unique 
  • Original
  • Quality (Back then)

  • Repeated images
  • Acting is not at it's best
  • The quality wasn't very good (Now a days)

Sam Raimi's 2002-2007 Spider-Man Trilogy

  • Good actors
  • Popular Spider-Man villains
  • The special effects were very impressive
  • They had great marketing
  • There wasn't a lot of product placement 
  • Villains had enough development  (2001 and 2004) (The first and second film only)
  • The costumes were unique 

  • Characters underdeveloped (2007) (The third film)
  • The plot was very predictable
  • Most films had the exact same plot
Peter Parker struggles with his powers
Peter Parker has girl troubles 
Peter Parker is always somehow connected to the villain
  • The Green Goblin was his best friends dad
  • Doc Ock was his personal Role Model and Mentor
  • The SandMan was his uncles killer
  • The New Goblin was his best friend
  • Venom was his rival in the Daily Bugle to see who could get better pictures of Spider-Man
Then the main villain would take M.J away
He would go to save her
They would fight
Peter would save M.J
Then the villain would somehow kill himself

The Amazing Spider-Man films (2012 and 2014)


  • Modern
  • It follows the comics story line
  • Suit like the comics (TASM2) (2014)
  • Different then the other Spider-Man movies (The ones in 2002-2007)
  • 3 new villains
  • Big cast
  • Original story (TASM1) (2012)
  • Special effects
  • Marketing was great
  • Joined the MCU
The MCU is the Marvel movie universe, that means he can be in movies with other superheroes like Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, and The Avengers. The first MCU film he will be in is Captain America: Civil War. The film comes out May 6th, 2016.
Click the link below to see the cast for Civil War.

The reason Spider-Man isn't on it is because they haven't announced the actor who will be playing him yet but, have confirmed he will be in the film.


  • Product Placement
  • Suit is way too different and doesn't represent any suit he has worn in recent times
  • Second movie had too many villains and not enough time to properly develop them (Story wise)
  • The trailers mis-lead you (TASM2) (2014)
They constantly showed the famous comic villain Rhino in the trailers and made it look like they were going to fight but, they fought for like 5 minutes and the Rhino wasn't even in his suit for like 4 minutes and 30 seconds of it.

Comparison Chart (TASM 1 AND 2 COMPARED TO THE 1967 CARTOON)

  • Family friendly
  • Had famous Spider-Man villains
  • They both had comic book characters
  • Appealed to all ages
  • Very colorful
  • They both ended
  • They were both focused on Spider-Man
5 Facts About The Wall Crawler

1.Marvel brought Spider-Man back into the MCU February 9th 2015.

2.Sony owns movie rights to Spider-Man

3.Michael Jackson wanted to play Spider-Man in 2002 and even tried to buy Marvel but, they declined.

4.For TASM2 they tried making it upbeat and fun for  the family (Like Disney's "The Avengers")

5.In the new Spider-Man films (TASM1 AND TASM 2) They followed the comic storyline, on the other hand in the old Spider-Man films (2002-2007) they made a new storyline and didn't follow the comics.


1967 Spider-Man image

2002-2007 Spider-Man image

Friday, 27 March 2015

Character Stats

Name: Kerstin Ward

10 True Facts:

She is fat
She takes lots of selfies
She lives in South California
She is depressed
She wears a size XXXXL
She lives by a swamp
She is 359 pounds
She goes to public school
She is single (and ready to mingle)
She likes to date random strangers online

10 Weird Facts:

She resembles Shrek
She believes in a Sandwich God
She takes 35-40 "Bathroom Breaks" a day
She likes to fart in peoples cereal
She wears at the least 7 cases of makeup a day
She is the only italian mob member who isn't Italian
She takes 279 bathroom selfies a day, most of them never see the light of day (thankfully)
She has a -1027 I.Q mark
She has raised a family Emu's for 7 years now.
She failed Pre-K 5 times

10 Fake Facts:

She has one double chin
She has not farted on President Barack Obama
She has her own gravitational pull (because she's fat)
She has a shrine to Shrek
She is skinny
She's related to Killer Whales
She kidnapped a banana from an ancient Japanese monkey
She lost the golden fish nugget in 1768
She was the shark in Jaws
She was Michael Jackson's mother

What Apps Would She Have On Her Phone:

Uptown Funk You Up

Instagram verification code
Hey what's up? 😄

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Inquiry Minds Product Portfolio Project

I loved how the cover looked plain and bland, but the story really sucks you in (no pun intended) and makes you care for these characters and what happens to them. I was constantly reading to see what happened next and how Elizabeth could use the limited resources she had to try and escape the house, while keeping the kids she was baby sitting safe. This book was slow at the start and it didn't really feel like there was a threat, in the book, there were dead animals in the water but if I saw a person in there I would feel more scared. I felt like there were too many dead animals in this book, and it got old really quick, and at the end when they jumped into the water and floated down, and they didn't hit anything at all, there were tons of things in the water but i guess there weren't any under the water. This book has chapters that were really good and  then really bad, like it would be action packed there about to die then there sleeping, and talking. I get you have to sometimes have it be boring but don't be making scenes so exciting then have it be boring. I would rate this 2.8 out of 4. Click the link below to see other reviews. This book wasn't the worst book i've read but it could use quite a bit of work, in all these books no one dies, he should have killed someone off, don't just make it be a flood and have everyone ok, a family was on there house and it floated away and we don't even know if they died, there probably still alive having coffee. If you like survival stories you should read this one because no one dies.

Writing To Entertain

Design and Create
Research and List
These are some questions I have for the author Eric Walters about what I had wonderings about.

Did the flood affect other towns or cities other than your Town and Toronto?
Was the man who was going to take Susie a pedophile?
Did the flood ever stop?
[Connection] My friend Luke actually experienced a flood and made it out alive.
Is Lizzie's dad dead?
Are the kid's parents Lizzie is babysitting dead?

So one of the main characters David reminds me a lot about someone I know and I am here to tell you the reasons why there similar and why they are still different. Lets talk about that.

So one of the main characters is independent, impatient and makes jokes at the wrong time, it's David McBride. Now the person I am connecting this to is myself. Now if you ask anyone that knows me they will all say this character could be based off of me. David had quite a bit of survival skills though which  I don't have. David had shown he had been independent all throughout the story by claiming he should have been the baby sitter and he didn't need anyone. Whenever I am given a task to do I usually like working alone I feel I don't need anyone's help and can save my self. If it is a harder task that I feel I need someone I will get people, as did David when they all got to the roof. He was also impatient because he was always trying to do things by him self, when people said wait we could all do this, he would just say ok then go and do it. When he had to get tools that were under the water, he just jumped in and kept on trying to get the tools. Then we come to my teachers least favorite... Making Jokes At The Wrong Time. I constantly do this, just recently we were watching a Earth documentary and the commentator had a really strong Irish accent and we kept on watching the beginning because he said three quarters of the Earth and we kept on laughing at it for like 20 minutes. David was constantly joking during the story and example is when his sister wants a soda, and he says well you can have water we have plenty of that. Now we are different like he has survival skills I don't and he is also in Grade 6 and I am not, he has moved schools and cities, and I haven't done that yet either. So ya that was my reasons as of why David and I are really the same person, my name is The Lazy Canadian and I approve this message!

When hard times come they sit a spell, Like kin folk come to stay A-packin' troubles, pets an' kids That always get ‘n your way. It's drought an' flood, an' flood an' drought, There ain't much in-between. You work like hell to make ’em good, But still they’re sorta lean.

 The ranch went under late last year, The drought got mighty tough. The boss held-out a long, long time, But finally said, "enough!" So here I am dispatchin’ cops An’ watchin’ felons sleep, In Junction, at the county jail, A job I’ll prob’ly keep. 

The wife, she works at Leisure Lodge, Where older people stay, A-makin’ beds an’ moppin’ floors To earn some ‘extra’ pay. Though “extra pay‘s” the term I used, It goes to payin’ rent, An’ after all the bills are paid, We wonder where it went.

 We hocked my saddle, guns an' chaps, An' then our weddin' rings; Then when we couldn't pay the loan, They sold the 'dad-blamed' things. We felt real bad a day or two But then we let it go, Cause it got Christmas for the kids When money got real slow. 

When hard times come they sit a spell, Don't matter who you are; They'll cost ya things you've set aside, An' clean your cookie jar. You'll loose some sleep an' worry some, Won't pay to moan an' groan; But hang on to your happiness, They'll finally leave ya 'lone. 

So this poem connected to the book a lot to the book at the first paragraph he even says that he has to deal with kids and a dog, which Lizzie had to deal with. In the next paragraphs he just talked about other hard times when it looked like he wouldn't have made out of it, or was struggling to manage it. Then at the very last paragraph it says when hard times come sit a spell, (When the flood reaches him, and he can't escape) They'll cost ya things you've set aside (The kids and the dog) you'll loose some sleep and worry some (about how he didn't do things he could have to escape or say to loved ones) Then it says They'll finally leave you alone (You were getting frustrated trying to save everyone and you couldn't and they ended up dying)

Lizzie's Father's POV

I got a call from my wife at around 5:30 P.M saying Lizzie, my daughter was watching the McBrides kids and may be staying at there house later than usual. It was raining hard so I told my wife after work i'd swing by and stay with her and the kids. I had to go back to work so I said goodbye and got in my car with my partner Dan. "Pretty bad rain fall huh Doug?"Dan had asked me. I said "Ya hopefully it stops soon or we may be out here all night" "Do you think it could get that bad?" "I do Dan, So lets try and do this fast." We drove Pick Up Trucks trying to get people out of the rain, or help them out is our job.

4 Hours Later...

We didn't know what had happened we had to abandon our truck and try to get on a house but we were starting to slip. Dan's leg was injured, it was trapped in the truck when the water hit our side. We were trying to help get a guy and a girl out of there car it was flipped up side down we tried dragging it sideways but the water came out of nowhere and hit us we went flying into the other car as I opened the car door and jumped onto a tree, Dan did the same but was a bit down the road. I saw the car we were trying to save and it was getting destroyed the two people were... just gone. They were here a minute before and are now dead they aren't coming back.

Dan didn't look so good his leg was covered in blood and his face was very pale, he looked at me and tried speaking but couldn't speak. He looked behind him as he started crawling toward me with scared expression on his face then out of nowhere water came over the house and took Dan off of the house I yelled "No!" as I got up and ran to the edge and I saw that his lifeless body was floating in the water, down the river, never to be seen again. Then I saw three people in a tree in the middle of the water I saw light pass by them and it was Lizzie and the kids! I tried to yell at them but they didn't hear me so, I looked at the water, then back at the kids and jumped in the river. I was being tossed around and hit a car, then another and then there was a house floating in the water I tried getting out of the way but it hit me I was sent under it, looking for a way out, but I couldn't find one. I needed air badly but couldn't escape, I couldn't save them, not David, not Suzie not my daughter Lizzie who needed me, no one. I was here a minute ago and now i'm GONE.