Name: Kerstin Ward
10 True Facts:
She is fat
She takes lots of selfies
She lives in South California
She is depressed
She wears a size XXXXL
She lives by a swamp
She is 359 pounds
She goes to public school
She is single (and ready to mingle)
She likes to date random strangers online
10 Weird Facts:
She resembles Shrek
She believes in a Sandwich God
She takes 35-40 "Bathroom Breaks" a day
She likes to fart in peoples cereal
She wears at the least 7 cases of makeup a day
She is the only italian mob member who isn't Italian
She takes 279 bathroom selfies a day, most of them never see the light of day (thankfully)
She has a -1027 I.Q mark
She has raised a family Emu's for 7 years now.
She failed Pre-K 5 times
10 Fake Facts:
She has one double chin
She has not farted on President Barack Obama
She has her own gravitational pull (because she's fat)
She has a shrine to Shrek
She is skinny
She's related to Killer Whales
She kidnapped a banana from an ancient Japanese monkey
She lost the golden fish nugget in 1768
She was the shark in Jaws
She was Michael Jackson's mother
What Apps Would She Have On Her Phone:
Uptown Funk You Up
Instagram verification code
Hey what's up? 😄